If you are entirely new to computer science, we recommend first participating in our one-day course: An introduction to algorithms, programming and data in computer science. You should have some understanding of the Pearson GCSE 9-1 Computer Science specification. You’ll benefit from having some experience of basic programming, perhaps using a block-based language, to access this GCSE-level subject knowledge enhancement. Alternatively, you may wish to book the agnostic remote or face-to-face version of the course. This course has been developed to reference the Pearson 9-1 GCSE Computer Science specification, if you’re not teaching the Pearson specification you may wish to consider booking the equivalent AQA or OCR version of the course. Mapped closely to the specifications of GCSE computer science, the course will provide you with essential knowledge leading to expertise in teaching programming. You’ll gain confidence with lots of hands-on experience under the guidance of highly successful teachers of computer science.

Using the building blocks of sequence, selection and iteration you’ll begin to understand how programs are constructed to perform a multitude of simple and more complex tasks.

You’ll learn how to write code to input, process and output data, and how to manipulate data stored in variables.

This course references the Pearson 9-1 GCSE Computer Science specification, using programming questions and solutions from their specification and sample materials. Take your first steps to becoming a competent teacher of Python programming this CPD will develop your foundational knowledge around the Python language.